Embracing Harmony Through Innovative Design

Nestled within tranquil surroundings, intricately designed, lie two petite residences linked by a breezeway, challenging conventional paradigms. Seamlessly intertwined, they form a charming connection uniting distinct realms.

Departing from typical detached structures, this innovative design merges the homes with a shared side, weaving a narrative of unity and interconnection into their very essence.





Entering the primary tiny home reveals a realm of meticulous design and practical sophistication. Here, a well-appointed kitchen unfolds, boasting ample counter space and a clever pull-out table, showcasing space-saving ingenuity.

It’s a space where intimate dining experiences materialize, where culinary creations emerge amidst a backdrop of warmth and hospitality. Adjacent to the culinary haven lies a cozy living area, adorned with expansive built-in couches inviting weary souls to relax.

These couches serve not only as seating but also seamlessly transform, offering versatility as additional seating for gatherings and camaraderie.

two tiny homes connected by breezeway

A Cozy Retreat Across the Breezeway

Across the breezeway awaits a journey into the secondary pod, a haven of tranquility and relaxation. Amidst walls exuding tales of comfort and belonging lie two snug bedrooms, each a sanctuary in its own right.

One bedroom features a cleverly elevated twin bed, maximizing sleeping arrangements without compromising style or comfort. It’s a space designed not just for rest but for rejuvenation, where dreams find solace in thoughtful design.

This arrangement caters not only to personal retreats but also to Airbnb rentals or hosting cherished guests, each welcomed into a sanctuary crafted with care and consideration.

With its functional layout and meticulous attention to detail, this dwelling transcends the concept of temporary shelter, embodying the essence of comfortable, full-time living.

Every corner tells a story, every nook a testament to the symbiotic relationship between form and function. It’s a home that speaks not only of architectural brilliance but also of a deeper understanding of what it means to truly feel at home.

Choosing Your ADU

In the realm of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), where functionality intertwines with aesthetic appeal, two primary variants stand out: custom, stick-built ADUs and pre-fabricated ADUs.

Colton Paulhus, the insightful CEO and co-founder of Anchored Tiny Homes, navigates this dichotomy with finesse, considering the unique challenges and opportunities presented by structures like two tiny homes connected by breezeway.

With a discerning eye for innovation and a commitment to crafting spaces that resonate with the soul, he emphasizes the crucial initial step of choosing between the efficiency of a pre-fabricated unit and the personalized touch of a custom, stick-built version.

Whether drawn to the cozy allure of pre-fabricated charm or the bespoke elegance of a custom creation, the journey to crafting an ideal ADU begins with this fundamental decision.

It’s a choice that extends beyond mere practicality, delving into realms of individuality and expression. In the realm of tiny homes, where every square inch harbors promise, the decision between pre-fabricated and custom-built units reflects aspirations and dreams.

At Anchored Tiny Homes, this choice is respected and celebrated, with each project honoring the unique vision and desires of its occupants. Ultimately, it’s not just about erecting structures; it’s about fashioning homes that resonate with the essence of humanity – seeking solace, finding belonging, and traversing life embraced by the warmth of home.


In essence, the fusion of two tiny homes via a breezeway embodies more than mere physical connection; it encapsulates a philosophy of unity and connectivity in design.

It stands as a testament to the potency of innovation in reshaping traditional concepts of living spaces and underscores the significance of crafting environments that nurture a sense of belonging and comfort.

Through conscientious design choices and a commitment to tailored living experiences, the narrative of these dwellings echoes harmony, functionality, and the celebration of individuality in the realm of home design.

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